March 3, 2025
Patch Notes - v0.5.15
This update is packed with the things you've been (patiently) asking for: long-requested features, QoL improvements, and many squashed bugs – all carefully hunted down and delivered to you.
Save files from version 0.5.14 are compatible, but it’s always a good idea to back up your saves just in case. If you'd like to continue playing 0.5.14, you can select it in Steam options under betas.
Extendable Hotbar
The hotbar can now be expanded to up to 30 slots wide and 3 rows tall.
Those with widescreen monitors can now take full advantage of their available screen space.
New options allow you to set custom hotkeys for each individual row and set of 10 slots.
Adjust the hotbar size in Options -> General -> Hotbar, and customize hotkey modifiers in Options -> Controls -> Hotbar.
Hotbar - Keyboard Navigation
We're told some people prefer keyboards. Well, we have something special for you: full hotbar keyboard support.
How does it work? Press the Tab key to activate your hotbar for keyboard navigation. Press tab again to cycle through the slots, or use the directional keys to move through them directly.
With the ability picker open, press Delete to remove abilities, or Enter to add them directly to your hotbar.
You can now purchase furniture from shops and place it in your homes.
Furniture appears as an item in your inventory after purchase, allowing you to easily transport it.
To move existing furniture, right-click it and select "Pick Up." Existing furniture in your save files has been automatically updated to be pick-up-able.
Finding Furniture:
- Shopkeepers sell all types of workbenches, along with storage units (chests, cupboards).
- Rare furniture items, like enchanting tables, may take time to locate.
Innkeeper Dialog
Having trouble finding furniture? Innkeepers in every town now offer a new dialog option to provide information about the town, including where to purchase specific furniture items.
Initially, the dialog only has an option to ask about rare items; however, further options will appear based on your actions in the world. For example, owning a house unlocks an option to inquire if anyone in town is selling furniture, saving you the trouble of asking every shopkeeper.
In the future, we plan to extend innkeeper information, unlocking new questions based on your reputation and actions. In this way the innkeeper will serve as a central hub for local town information.
Map Flags
Right-click on any tile on the world map to place a flag! Use flags to mark interesting locations and save reminders to yourself about specific overworld tiles.
Flags are saved with your game and will remain until you manually remove them.
Blood Creatures & Reputation
A new reputation system is in place for blood creatures, known as "The Red Brood."
Killing Blood Cocoons or Ravagers will decrease your reputation, angering The Red Brood. A poor reputation can trigger escalating hostilities, including encounters with Elite Ravagers and Elite Ravager Hunters.
At lower reputation levels, the powerful
Elite Ravager will hatch from blood cocoons instead of the normal ravager.
At the lowest reputation,
Elite Ravager Hunters will actively track you down. They may appear at any time in any dungeon, without needing to hatch from cocoons, making them a constant threat.
If left untouched, your reputation with The Red Brood will slowly improve over time, allowing you to gradually escape their wrath.
This is the first extension of the reputation system in some time, but it won't be the last. In the future, we intend to add more reputation-tracking factions, along with new ways to increase or reduce reputation.
Status Effect Tooltips
When inspecting creatures (enemies or summons), hover your mouse over any status effect to see a tooltip description.
Other Changes
- Improved shop distribution during world generation - ensures fair allocation across settlements, guarantees minimum shops per region, and balances total shops per faction.
- Recipes UI improvements - recipes with multiple crafting options now display as separate entries, and oversized recipe text is now scrollable.
- Added sorting options to Shop UI - items can now be sorted by price.
- Added favorites indicator for player items in storage UI.
- Added item Blink Potion (Potent) - unlike the standard Blink potion's random teleportation, this version allows selecting a destination tile.
- Improved Reputation system - passive reputation changes due to negative reputation decreasing over time are now reported to log.
- Reputation window now automatically selects previously viewed faction when reopened.
- Faster overworld inspection - right-click inspecting a new location no longer requires closing the previous location info window.
- Added new animation and sound effect for "Executioners Strike" ability.
- Added new animation for "Terrifying Cleave" ability.
- Blood Puddles now decay over time, with increased decay rate in towns.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed "Mordhau Bash" ability in wrong skill tree.
- Fixed "Deep Gashes" ability, infinite Hemorrhage stacking bug.
- Fixed consumables with incorrect accuracy bonuses: Da-Daa Doo Potion, Feverfew Ale, Ancient Wine, and Elderberry Wine.
- Fixed "Helm Splitter" not appearing in Blades skill tree.
- Fixed incorrectly rounded XP rate values in skill experience tooltips.
- Fixed UI scaling issues across multiple UI elements when UI scale set above 1.
- Fixed issue with "Blooming Dread" quest, unable to trade Vyrwort flowers for Vyrwort Potions after quest completion.
- Fixed level up screen not displaying wisdom summary after game load - wisdom summary now properly saved.
- Fixed item duplication exploit during character creation.
- Fixed world generation bias toward turkey farms instead of other farm types.
- Fixed player facing direction resetting after loading saved game.
- Fixed unable to learn "Conservation" enchantment from scroll.
- Fixed cooking buffs ("Double Down" passive and "Gremlin Spit") not applying to all output items in multi-output recipes.
- Fixed "Fireflash" potion providing less teleport range than intended.
- Fixed mouse cursor sometimes stuck with incorrect cursor icon.
- Fixed mouse clicks sometimes passing through UI elements.
March 5, 2025
Hotfix v0.5.15b
- Fixed issue with some sound effects not playing due to incorrect wav file encoding.
- Fixed exception when activating a ability using a hotbar keybinding for a slot not visible.