More skill trees??? Yes, that's right you better believe it! With a whopping 17 weapon skills planned (that's a lot!), we're taking another big bite today with the Axes and Daggers skill trees.
Not all the skill tree changes are described below. You must try them in game to see everything for yourself (someday the game shall have a complete wiki and/or guide).
Save files from version 0.5.13 are compatible, but it’s always a good idea to back up your saves just in case. If you'd like to continue playing 0.5.13, you can select it in Steam options under betas.
The reimagined Daggers skill tree introduces 7 new ability upgrades maintaining daggers emphasis on speed, repeat attacks, and stacking on-hit effects.
Thousand Cuts remains a signature ability of daggers, allowing you to release a devastating multi-hit attack.
Pair it with Piercing Wounds upgrade to shred enemy armor, or Relentless Tempo for cooldown reduction, allowing insane combos.
Those seeking mobility will find the Shadowstride upgrade for Vicious Lunge a highlight. This upgrade grants brief invisibility after lunging, perfect for repositioning or setting up devastating combos.
The Daggers tree now offers more options to tailor your playstyle, whether you favor critical strikes, bleeds, or mobility.
Daggers skill should reset upon loading any v0.5.13 save, refunding your focus points.
If necessary, you can manually reset your Daggers skill or any other skill using cheats:
The Axes skill tree emphasizes overwhelming force and battlefield dominance, with new upgrades that enhance its defining traits: climatic moments of massive damage, area attacks, and bleed-centric tactics.
The upgrade Blood Splatter turns every kill into a spectacle of carnage, causing enemies to explode and damage surrounding foes.
For those who enjoy imposing control on the battlefield, Dreadful Impact marks tiles as "Dread Zones" after using Terrifying Cleave, applying true damage and lowering enemy accuracy, allowing you gain control over the battlefield.
With this update, all blade skills (Blades, Swords, Daggers, and Axes) are now finalized in the skill tree format, which represents 1/4th of the planned weapons.
Did you know every weapon in the game has its own unique color and theme? Check out the Weapon Color Wheel below to see how the different weapons are connected and what makes each of them special.
Map of all weapons — click for full size.
Looking ahead, you can expect more skill trees to arrive soon, including the Bludgeons and Ranged groups. Our goal is to complete the majority of weapon skills by the end of the year. That said, the next update will take a break from skill trees and focus on something a little different.
And don’t forget to check out the Roadmap for more details on future updates!