July 2, 2021
Patch Notes - v0.2.7
New Dungeon
Moreld's tower of terror will test your grit.
Creatures now have a chance to leave a pool of blood when taking damage or affected by a bleed wound.

Leftover blood tells us a story of what has happened in a space, and can also be used to track down bleeding
opponents. This change is also in preparation for upcoming interactions with blood. Stay tuned!
Graphical changes
The main player sprite has been tweaked to rebalance body proportions and shading.
All humans including the player now have a chance to spawn with a beard. There are 4 beard types in 5
different colors.
New art has been added for town shops and pathways.
Alternate loadout
An alternate main and off hand slot has been added which are used to store an alternative loadout.
- Press [r] to swap to the alternative loadout. Doing so takes 100 time (the same as equipping a single
item) and ends the turn.
- Players can also swap using the newly added "swap to alternate" button which has been added along with
an "edit abilities" button to the right of the ability bar.
A much-requested change from play-testers. Previously swapping to a sword and shield would require two
turns, where now it can be done in one. This change should make multi-weapon builds not only more fair, but
also less frustrating to use.
Experience & wisdom
- Rebalanced the XP curve for all combat and non-combat skills, including wisdom levels. Higher levels,
especially beyond level 10, now require more experience.
- Reduced xp gained from sprinting.
- Reduced xp gained from crafting, cooking, and salvaging items.
These changes are in response to feedback - to extend the amount of time spent in the mid-game and encourage
more versatility in build choices.
Combat: energy, cooldowns, and more
- We've completed the refactor of all turn actions (actions that occur at the start or end of the turn) to
work with our new turn phase system. This fixes the issue of food items, stuns, and other status effect
durations in certain cases lasting 1 turn less than expected.
- All combat abilities have received a small reduction in energy costs, and a significant reduction in
cooldown time.
- Blade and Bludgeon starting abilities have been reworked to better syngergize with their associated
ability trees and builds.
- Bludgeon ability "Power Smash" has been replaced with "Toe Crusher" which provides utility similar to
Blades' "Debilitating Slash."
The main idea behind these changes is to allow more abilities to be used per fight, and to help balance the
various possible builds. We're very interested to hear feedback in how these changes affect gameplay.
New items
Blade Defender
New mid-tier off-hand, an upgrade to the much-beloved
parrying dagger.
Draught of Haste
Speedy potion, complete with new associated lesson and
Crimson armor set
Beware the Crimson Guard.
Other changes:
- Hold alt to compare an inventory item to the currently equipped item.
- Potions which apply a status effect can no longer be stacked. This includes potent and standard potions
of the same type.
- Non-lootable crates, barrels, and cupboards in town no longer highlight when mouse is hovered.
- Realign item tooltips so inventory item tooltips are always to the left of the the item and never above.
- Ability "Overcome the Odds" now knocks back opponents 2 tiles instead of 1.
- Removed crude cudgel and shiv recipes.
- Removed alternative recipe for soothing balm and thawing ointment.
- The energy bar tooltip is has been removed. It was kind of bad anyways. We'll remake it at a later time
in a way that makes sense.
- Doors no longer automatically close over time in dungeons.
- Lillyweed plant can now be found in forest and plains biomes.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with armor calculations where physical resistance would not reduce damage as expected.
- Fixed various crashes possible from the crafting/recipes/salvage/bolster panes, especially when using
them quickly.
- Fixed monster remains (bones) disappearing after saving and loading a game.
- Fixed item weights displaying as "0" in loot containers.
- Fixed player not spawning next to stairs when going down a floor.
- Fixed player hair showing through helmets.
- Fixed player hair changing each time game is loaded.
- Fixed game crash when attempting to target a tile off the map.
- Fixed several alchemy recipe items teaching the wrong recipe.
- Fixed several skill books having no affect when read.
- Fixed several skill books not appearing in bookshelves.
July 4, 2021
Hotfix v0.2.7b
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue causing dungeon stairs to not spawn in some cases.