October 1, 2021
Patch Notes - v0.2.13
This patch focuses on usability and a huge amount of bug fixes. We've been working hard to respond to feedback
and address the most frustrating aspects of the game.
Also added is new content including dozens of new sounds effects, a new creature, items and art, along with
balance changes.
Note - you should be able to continue saved games from v0.2.12
Tutorial Pop-ups
Helper messages will now appear based on the context to help explain certain aspects of gameplay. Once
dismissed, they do not keep appearing.
New Creature
Scorpions can now be found throughout Enalia. They have a fast attack speed, and apply a unique "Venom Bite"
status effect.
UI Updates
Updated inventory filter buttons and weight display

Added an orb to the ability bar which glows when player has unspent skill points:

Crafting recipes have an updated layout and also show item icons

Other UI updates
- Updated the salvage list to show each item's condition in brackets.
- Updated the repair list to highlight an item if the player has enough resources to perform the repair.
- Crafting stations now only list recipes relevant to that specific station.
- Left click in shops now only buys or sells 1 item. Shift+click to move a whole stack.
- Added tooltip to inventory weight.
- Increased size of loot all button.
- Status effect tooltips now below the icon instead of to the right.
Items and Art
Added rare item "Eagle Helm", along with new art for the Horned Helm
Added art for destroyed spider nests

Added hay beds and statues to Gremlin Forts. The statues will have a bigger role to play in a upcoming
faction update:
Simulated Time
On returning to a dungeon the passage of time is now simulated for ALL entities inside, meaning monsters
will continue to move and fight in the player's absence. This also fixes the issue of fire remaining on the
ground when it should have faded while the player was away.
The loading screen will read "Passing Time" while it processes the dungeon. Note - there is a hard cap to
the amount of time that can pass to ensure loading does not take too long.
Other changes
- Added dozens of new sound effects. This includes sounds for eating, using potions, levelling up, and
- Dungeons will now generate with some doors open, causing more enemies to wander and fight, and overall
more dungeon chaos.
Autosave now saves BEFORE the player changes zones. This will help make the game more fair, especially
in case where the player would spawn into the wilderness surrounded by enemies.
Rebalanced drop tables of starter dungeon, increasing the amount of food, but decreasing the chance for
high-level items.
- Big nerf to Gremlin Flingers, who now have reduced attack range and consume 160 game ticks per attack.
We are hoping this will make flingers less annoying to fight. To help compensate their damage has been
increased slightly.
- Slowed down the spawn rate for Faction Forts. This should make clearing faction forts more meaningful,
where previously they would almost instantly respawn.
- Player will now path to closest valid tile when mouse is moved onto unexplored area.
- Levelling up now heals the player 50 health and energy.
- Updated ability "Maintain uniform" to allow equipping or unequipping a shield without removing the buff.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where enemies would not hunt a target when being hit from outside their vision range.
- Fixed UI scrollbar becoming misaligned after crafting a recipe, salvaging an item, or performing other
actions that cause the scroll area to refresh.
- Fixed outdoor faction structures spawning inside dungeons.
- Fixed open/close state of side panels not saving correctly when moving between zones.
- Fixed player storage weight rounding issue, causing many decimals to be displayed.
- Fixed enemies killed by poison or bleed damage able to attack once after dying.
- Fixed enemies in some cases dying twice, causing them to drop double loot.
- Fixed player able to walk into single tile of unexplored darkness on edge of wilderness maps.
- Fixed damage dealt beyond opponents remaining health rewarding experience.
- Fixed "Escape" when clicked from the menu not doing anything.
- Fixed incorrect skill description shown for alchemy; no skill description shown for athletics.
- Fixed 0-stacks of gold appearing in player inventory after trading with the shop.
- Fixed issue with item context menus selecting the whole item stack, when a specific option like "sell 1"
was clicked.
- Fixed alternate weapon or off-hand item being salvaged instead of the same item from the player's
Fixed overworld locations not visible when zooming camera out.
Fixed location pop-up repeatedly appearing when using space to pass turns on the overworld.
Fixed Golem sprite not correctly aligned to its position.
- When a new skill is discovered while a game window is open, the discovery event will now wait for the
window to first be closed.
October 3, 2021
Hotfix v0.2.13b
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when entering a dungeon and player vision would extend outside of the dungeon radius.